The Heartbeat of our Market!

Our dedicated volunteers at the Black Farmers’ Market are the lifeblood that allows this community farmers’ market to thrive week after week. We deeply value their passion and talents that directly uplift neighborhood access to fresh, nutritious food and support for local farmers, growers, foodpreneurs, artisans, makers, and small businesses.

Volunteers are vital to the overall success of our market. They assist with fostering direct, meaningful relationships between residents and regional farmers/producers, allowing for optimal customer service. Giving back just a few hours fuels something bigger than oneself.

if you have a heart for food justice, resident health, supporting small businesses, or simply creating inclusive spaces for this neighborhood - we need you!

Getting Started

Many volunteers are needed each week to carry out a variety of vital market tasks and duties, such as Set-Up, Vendor Check-In, Market Info Table, Market Safety Patrol, Booth sitting, Pet sitting, vendor services, children, Market Moments, Break-Down, and More.

What Happens When I Join the Volunteer Base?

After joining the volunteer base, you’ll beginning receiving email that lists pre opening day needs and duties. after opening day you will begin receiving weekly emails regarding the market volunteer positions and shifts available for the upcoming Tuesday.

If you can commit to volunteer that tuesday, “reply to” with your preferred duty and shift commitment. You’ll receive a confirmation email, as well as other detailed information to help you successfully fulfill your specific Service responsibilities.


Below, we have listed where we would be honored to have your help. For more Info view the document for market day volunteers.

  • Vendor Check-In/Market Info Table

  • Market Set-Up/Break-Down

  • Market Saftey Patrol

  • Market Day Media

  • Martket Moments Coordinator

How May I serve on a committee?

The Black Farmers’ Market market relies heavily on its Generous volunteers. We are so gracious that You Would Ask to serve on one of Our “Crop Committees”, which involve operations, marketing, vendors, entertainment, health and Wellbeing, Nutrition, fundraising, grant writing, and Market Moments — just to name a few!

Current Crops helping our garden grow include:

  • The Pepper Committee - Adds spice to marketing through social media and events

  • The Squash Committee - Manages operations like vendor coordination and setup/teardown

  • The Melon Committee - Cultivates revenue through sponsorships and fundraising

  • The Basil Committee - Infuses fun through booking music, chef demos and crafts

new ideas are always welcome! We aim to make contributing time rewarding and purposeful. Your unique passions are  vital ingredients for community impact.

If certain roles pique your interest, email us at charlotteandpickens@gmail.com to discuss getting your hands dirty. Just as plants need care and feeding, your skills and dedication fertilize our mission of an inclusive, equitable farmers market. We appreciate you!


We’ll Find A Place to Plant You!